Ideas » View function for warehouse contents
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teeta: Hey Dreamer! Can you add a 'view' function to the warehouse? It is a big pain in the rump to have to pull items out, then click on 'Items' just to view a single item. :( (especially when your server is lagging!!!)
11-03-07 08:10
jony: I agree.
11-03-10 14:52
muttleyaxe: I definitely agree. Esp since our packs only hold 16 items and wharehouse is now 50 and 250, it is very time consuming if you have a large inventory.
11-03-24 19:55
zhypmk: Yup i agree with mutely
11-03-25 02:34
poppy: YEAH! thats a good idea teeta -good-
11-04-01 14:10
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