Martis PvP » Magic scrolls give level range titles until recipes arrive
-judgement: Magic scrolls could give titles usable by the level of player using the scroll. We all have experienced scrolling an item @ level 30 and getting peasant 1 time then ancient behemoth the next. Once recipes arrive, scrolling returns to the current random titles so players can then try for the items needed to make recipes. -paladin-
16-06-09 21:03
human_killer: I disagree because a lvl 60 will may be trying for a imp or elf title to make legend gear and getting more higher lvl titles would make it more hard. Second it may hurt the small lvl hunters that hunt scrolls to make high lvl gear to sell. If they get nothing but zombie or demon rings they will lose the will to play pvp round and lose players.
16-06-09 22:30
human_killer: Don't get me wrong I did read that (before recipes and after part) but many players want the ingredients before recipes so when they do get them they are ready to make rather than waisting time at the last min gathering them.
16-06-09 22:33
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