Martis PvP » Revised ranking rewards
wing: I am suggesting to reduce the possibility for someone to obtain these rare items, especially those which you could get from gaia1. Those rare drops from Aurora (kalts, erdamon, monere and fiur amulet) must be given to at most top 25 players. Also make rune death rewards to be given only to at most top 150 to reduce the number of rune deaths in the game.
16-06-10 02:38
wing: I think the current rewards is not good for the game. I mean items which are supposed to be rare in the game gets easier to be obtained. Top 250 gets at least one rune death and top 50 gets one kalt. Currently, these items worth less credits and will continue to decrease their values if there are many of them in these game. The more rare the item is, the more credits the players are willing to pay for it but nowadays i think they're not rare anymore.
16-06-10 02:24
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