Each skill will earn exp in a way relating to it,
and will have it's own xp bar.
When the xp bar fills up you get one point to that skill
and the exp required to rank that skill again will increase.
Exp can be at a different set rate for each skill
to keep it balanced, and will only be awarded for monsters at an equal or higher skill level.
This would include stats from gear.
Strength: would be earned by hitting the enemy AND winning the battle. ( if a boost spell is used ex whirlwind no exp will be awarded)
Dexterity: would be earned by the enemy missing and or by hitting the enemy all 3 times in battle. (again no boost spell can be used ex haste/slow)
Wisdom: would be earned by casting spells or taking damage from spells.
And Endurance: would be earned by taking physical damage, But would require more exp and earn slower. (Since Hp already goes up when you level.)
I feel this would help develop characters without class bonuses for Martis.
16-06-10 07:22
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