vendetta: ok. i removed bd app and readded it directly thru fb and same issue
11-03-09 20:39
vendetta: call me stupid but i don't know how to find and add apps. only use apps i get invites to. lol
11-03-09 20:32
vision: have you tried manually adding the app through facebook first?
11-03-09 20:11
vendetta: ok. here is what happens exactly. i click the link. it tells me to login to register etc. so i login to my facebook. then the link in the blackdragon app whick is actually for logging in and out of facebook flashes back and forth between login and facebook logout.
11-03-09 19:13
dreamer: Well, the Login link is provided by Facebook so I am not sure what problem could it possibly be. Any chance you could make a screenshot or something? I know it works works Firefox/Chrome and even Internet Explorer (at least with the newest versions).
11-03-09 18:36
vendetta: i have tried internet explorer firefox and chrome
11-03-09 18:15