Martis PvP » Marketplace
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snorlax: #Add fiture that allow you to sell more then 1 kind items in a time.
Ex. You can sell 1 packet of Gog helm and gog buckler for x credits
#Add fiture that allow you to put item that wanna you trade at market place. You can take it back anytime you want.
Ex. You want trade 1x stamina potion to 10x healing potion. You just put it at mp with that spesification and wait until people that want trade with your offer #I though it will help people for trading
#Fix different stat when you want equip gear.
Ex. You equip ring endu I, you want change it with ring damage I, it show your damage will increase by 1 but not show your endu will decrease by 1
#Read -archer or gafgarion idea about "Bonus" for next martis or g2

16-06-13 19:35
Pahina: 1/1