So it will be more challenging if each characther have Bonus stats when they reach new town(read -archer or gafgarion idea) or you can put my idea about job class for next martis pvp or gaia pvp
#Job class
*You can get your 2nd job when you reach lv40.
2nd job is warior and mage. You will get bonus damage and dexterity 10% each when you pick warior job class as your 2nd job. If you pick mage as your 2nd job you will get bonus wisdom and dexterity 10% each. You can reset your job as you want, but your experience will decrease by 10% when you do it.
*After you reach lv80 you will get your 3rd job.
3rd job is sword master, wizard and ranger.
If you are warior you can pick 3rd job as sword master, add bonus critical, bonus dex, dmg +13% each and wis +4%.
If you are mage you can pick wizard as your 3rd job, add bonus dex, dmg by 10% each and wis +20%.
Ranger add shoot bonus when equiping bow, add bonus dex,dmg,wis +10% each . Both 2nd job class can pick it.
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