Martis PvP » New spells, spells focusing on defense and enhancing effects.
bilo: regards,
I have an idea about spells is (at least for this account),

subjugator: absorbs enemy mana 75% and health 15%. (level 85)
class: Water
Where: 100

karma: reversing spells from enemies(like a mirror reflecting). (Level 65)
class: Water or Air
Where: 80

Petrified: Decreases enemy Armor & dexterity. by 20% (Level 80)
Class: Earth
Where: 120

Dizziness: randomize the order of enemy spells. (Level 60)
Class: Water
Where: 50

Gigantic fortress: Armor Increases 200% (one shoot). (Level 88)
Class: Earth
Where: 90

The reason this idea is quite simple, because the effects of the existing defense spells less powerful so rarely used when a high level.
16-06-15 02:59
bilo: I'm sorry if I break the rules and my english.
Thanks you.
16-06-15 03:03
yuuna: Oh sorry i'm mistakes.
(Where) is mean mana. only translate from my language.
16-06-15 03:56
-mie_sedap-: -rofl--wall- spell's karma wkwkwk -wall-
16-06-15 08:48
superlova: NEW SPELL
name: frozen
effect: decrease enemy armor and dexterity
mana: 5000
value: 100%

level: 150
wisdom: 12500
16-06-18 16:23
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