wing: 3. Make health and mana boosts, and random items unavailable for the first 10-15 days. Since this is pvp server, this must be of more challenge and this will make it more challenging. Stamina restore will still be made available though (I am saying "10-15 days" because I am estimating that the best players can reach level 40 at this range. Also, I think the real fight on this server starts at level 40).
16-07-05 04:13
wing: 2. Also, players will have free merchant for the first 10-15 days to support this idea. More items will be put in your storage if there's no marketplace so it's better to sell some using merchant.
16-07-05 04:06
wing: I am suggesting some things regarding marketplace and trade.
1. Unlock marketplace upon reaching level 40. I see some players using multiple accounts and cycling their items on their accounts. I mean hunting using their account with the best equipment, and then upon reaching the cap, players then unequip and transfer the items to the next account then hunt and so on. Now if trade and marketplace will be made to unlock at level 40, players would have harder time to manage multiple accounts.
16-07-05 04:00
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