-it howls, and overwhelmed by its wounds, it falls to the ground, dead-

Hya! Look here! We have vanquished the draconic devil! Let us feast and be merry!

Have you no memory of your comrade? We shall mourn for him, and give him a proper funeral pyre, then we may feast and make merry.
16-10-01 08:14
funnydog890: -A battle ensues-

-becomes a fried dragon morsel-

Oh Mercury, Oh Jupiter! Our brother has fallen in battle! Come, let us avenge him! Yah!
16-10-01 08:10

Come, brothers! Come and see this mighty wyrm! We must defend the village, even at the cost of our lives!
-a mage appears-

Hark! a mage comes from afar to lend a hand in vanquishing this serpentine demon!
16-10-01 08:06
-A dragon approaches, leaving a trail of destruction in it's wake-
16-10-01 08:03