Pets will have different types of stat bonus that will add to your character's stats. The bonus stat depends on the level requirement of that pet. For example: a pet that requires level 20 to buy will have +20% stats (either dex, str, end or wis depending on the type of pet) and +0.2% for every level reached by your pet. Pets that require higher level like the level 80 pets (dragon lord, mystic dragon and the class-specific pets) will have higher base bonus compared to others, say +30% and + 0.3% every level. For class specific pets, the stat bonus will depend on the required class of that pet.
For example say I have Hellraiser (level 80 necro pet). Hellraiser will provide some sort of wisdom bonus and lifeleech bonus for my character. Ancient dragon (level 80 druid pet) will provide high wisdom boost, Cthulhu will provide high strength bonus, etc. something like that. Also, the bonus will only be in effect when you "equip/mount" your pet and your pet must not be dead.
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