Off-topic » a Get Well Soon Card to illusionz
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asik-: Pray for my teacher in game for healed illussions -pray-
16-10-07 14:07
grom_hellscream: Get well soon illu ;) (rogue here)
16-10-07 14:17
-iu-: These flowers represent hugs and kisses to tell you how I wish you were here, and not on that sick bed. Get well soon.
Like a flower in gloom, you lie helpless. Arise and bloom and dance like a fresh blade of grass to the drumming of the breeze of life. Arise and bounce back home like a ball. I wish you quick recovery.No sickness can keep you down with all the prayers I offer for your recovery. Rise up and be strong!
were looking forward to play with u again in pvp server .
16-10-07 14:17
-_deadshot_-: Hope you get better soon:)
16-10-07 14:18
mustorador: What happen
16-10-07 16:28
mas_amir_s4: GWS mam Illuu -kiss-
16-10-07 21:58
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