caracalkid: →Good Luck, i dont hope to offend you, i dont know you but i hope you get well soon, i hope your best of luck, stay strong---
any 1 pm me-tell me what happened!!
17-02-09 07:42
illusionz: Wow!! I'm really touched and blessed by all your prayers. Its been a rough road,and I lost my interest for being online, and many of my memories are affected. . .
Again, THANK YOU all.... Your words warm my heart and I miss you guys!
17-01-20 00:58
-dothraki-: Sending my Recovery Ring for your fast recovery illu ..
16-10-17 06:27
_0racle_: Get well soon ma'am my teacher here

..go recover fast come back here we miss you!
16-10-10 08:39
sxyhillbilly: Bright blessings and healing energies for you to recover quickly
16-10-09 10:09