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18-04-16 19:58
sniffles: Only rings and amulets can be crafted like that.
18-04-16 19:34
fisch1975: After long game pause I realized some feature in crafting system disappointing me. Those standard items can't be crafted to higher level. Thought, I've done it in past with e.g. "Small shield of …".
18-03-26 01:18
fisch1975: David, that's not all of the crafting system. If you take 3x Crown shield of Health (III) you'll get a Crown shield of Health (IV).
I had those 9 items in inventory and earned only failure messages. -_-
18-03-20 08:03
davidtce: You need to gather pieces 1,2,3 of an item
17-09-07 08:36
fisch1975: WTH? It's 4th time of failure at blacksmith. Guess those are dropped items.
Breast plate of Stamina (IV)
Breast plate of Stamina (IV)
Breast plate of Stamina (IV)
Crown shield of Health (III)
Crown shield of Health (III)
Crown shield of Health (III)
Crown shield of Mana (III)
Crown shield of Mana (III)
Crown shield of Mana (III)
16-10-10 00:36
bladsy: 1/1