FAQ & Information » Super Mobs (II) Details
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retromarthmus: Rightio bois
Not accurate i dont think please tell me if it is and if it isnt post the legitimate information below(above) and yeah so. From looking at stuff i got;

Hell Ghoul (II)
Armor: +300
Strength: +40
Dexterity: +30

Ogre Kings (II)
Armor: +300 Stamina: +150
Dexterity: +30
Endurance: +70

Demon Lords (II)
Armor: +300 Strength: +40
Endurance: +70

Fire Dragons (II)
Damage: +50 Mana: +750
Dexterity: +40
Wisdom: +40
Prot. from Earth: 50%

Demon Kings (II)
Damage: 75-125
Strength: +40
Dexterity: +40

Undead Hydras (II)
Armor: +300
Endurance: +70
16-11-19 16:11
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