Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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idiot_terror: Btw, it was idiot_terror`s point of view. Lol '
11-03-23 04:40
widowmkr: Ok its simple. E1 that wants to pk turn ur pvp on. Kill each other all u want. Lmao all u want idiot is to ruin others fun. U wanta pk vaf wanta pk. Pk each other until u hearts are content. Why should other be forced to play in ur tetesterone overflowing bs huh?
11-03-23 05:07
idiot_terror: Well... ;D
11-03-23 05:19
idiot_terror: Lol I forgot to say, I already had a new idea on how to separate those who want pvp and not. I'll write it here it soon, Im still thnkin on how to explain it. -v-
11-03-23 05:31
teeta: Idiot... um, I hesitate to point it out to you... BUT! The people who do & do not want to play BD in PvP mode are already separated...

There are PvP only servers... completely separate...

And there is a PvP button in every player's settings menu...

What more separation do we need? ;D
11-03-23 23:02
idiot_terror: They love pvp but don't want to lose any gear. It's different :)
11-03-24 00:17
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