Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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venum: Omg lmao. If u dont want a piece of the gear then why u want pvp to be on all the time. Im done with this i wont post again on this subject. If u want constant pvp on then may i suggest going to server 2 or 3. Heard server 3 realy hard core. No market trade or credits. U bored game 2 easy go there
11-03-20 20:56
dalex: lol pls go read the topic from first
11-03-20 20:32
idiot_terror: Can you please read all the previous post. Does we said you have to lose gear in pvp so we can steal them? Don't just post/write your opinion but read first and understand.
11-03-20 18:51
venum: Believe it or not some people play this game to have fun. Make friends and the like. Then there are some like vaf an idiot terror that play to mess up others having fun. They want pvp to steal gear others worked hard to get. I say dreamer doing a great job an i love this game
11-03-20 18:33
venum: Lmao i do have a chr close to his lvl. Widowmkr lvl 70. Got the top gear. Behemoth angelic axe giants helm of glory hydra victor silk. If his chr is to high that he isnt having fun due what i did. Start another chr an diffrent chr type. Or go to server 2 or 3 where pvp always on
11-03-20 18:29
idiot_terror: You'll see vaf's point of view once you reach up on his level and got those gears. When you ask someone to duel they'l just say:
well that's bs you know, even you'll just duel in battle arena and won't lose anything, only a several stamina.

And other word, boredom lol
11-03-20 18:15
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