Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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vafunculo: The game is already losing players, its way too easy, lmao the quest timer was raised to 100 seconds and I can still take quests from people, quests are supposed to be a contest your suppsed to be stealing them from each other, the amount of quest spawned can't possibly have anything to do with number of people playing more people played before level 60 quests were introduced, I shouldn't have to play on a different server, I invested a lot of time on this char. I wasn't always level 83, I was just like every one of you except I didn't cry when people took a quest from meI just leveled up till no one could steal one from me. If quest timer of 100 seconds is running out and someone takes your quest then you don't belong hunting quest.
11-03-19 12:14
venum: Btw valfunculo if game is to easy go to server 2 or 3 an try your quest jumping there
11-03-19 09:08
venum: I think castle areas shoul be pvp. As far as quest jumping goes its part of the lazy people game. With teleport an stamina using credits the people who cant get credits are in a disadvantage.
11-03-19 09:05
teeta: I'd believe that if the older players with better stuff didn't steal Quests from newer, lower level players. It's like shooting fish in a barrel... And because they want to conserve their stamina, guaranteeing that they will kill MORE quest monsters, they sit there and let smaller players knock down the quest monster's HPs and then come in and basically steal the killshot and the drop. Then they go into chat and pound their chest like a gorilla and brag about how many quest monsters they just killed. They are pathetic parasites. Ugh!
11-03-19 05:37
idiot_terror: I guess, a pvp system with no item lost when you lose in a battle. All pk
11-03-19 05:32
exodus: The idea of current quest system is to prevent others to kill steal a Quest Unit. And in the event that dreamer placed blackdragon on facebook is to cover all the new possible players. Thats why the Quest units that has been spawned is based on the numbers of players at that level and dreamer added an extra 3 more quest units to make the contest on quest more thrilling.

This game is not just for old players with good stuff, but also to new comers.

If you want the old system back this game will loss players.

And for the PVP system, if this is too easy for you. Theres server 2 and server 3 waiting for your character to arrive.
11-03-19 05:06
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