Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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venum: Btw valfunculo if game is to easy go to server 2 or 3 an try your quest jumping there
11-03-19 09:08
vafunculo: The game is already losing players, its way too easy, lmao the quest timer was raised to 100 seconds and I can still take quests from people, quests are supposed to be a contest your suppsed to be stealing them from each other, the amount of quest spawned can't possibly have anything to do with number of people playing more people played before level 60 quests were introduced, I shouldn't have to play on a different server, I invested a lot of time on this char. I wasn't always level 83, I was just like every one of you except I didn't cry when people took a quest from meI just leveled up till no one could steal one from me. If quest timer of 100 seconds is running out and someone takes your quest then you don't belong hunting quest.
11-03-19 12:14
vafunculo: This game is no challenge like it was before dreamer made it super easy, no pvp, pets, super items. Everyone wants to be able to kill 500 quests a week everyone worries about losing a gear item when gear is easy to get, not like before when gear was hard to get, if gear is your worry I say to dreamer leave that out of pvp, no equipped gear is lost just gold like original pvp.
11-03-19 12:22
venum: Ok vafunculo. Ur point is valid but i say if to many quest are spawning like u say the why the heck u jumping quest for. I know u got fast phn or pc an credits for stamina an teleport. U want to be the best every week which is fine. Thank u dreamer for the quest u are leting us have. It gives new smaller players a chance at the quest aspect of the game
11-03-19 15:59
vafunculo: I know my point is valid, but thanks for agreeing. I don't know what your talking about me having to be the top in quest kills, I barely kill quests I unless I need scrolls or pieces. You seem to have a hang up on so called stolen quests, try to forget I stole your quest that's not the point, the point is game too easy now pvp needs to be brought back to add challenge, not for gear just gold and xp like old days only without that only being able to be attacked once per hour. That would make castles more fun, and game more fun in general. If the only real penalty for losing a duel if done of your gold I don't see what people should be afraid of
11-03-19 21:12
venum: Im not afraid of pvp and i agree castle area should be pvp. I dont like the fact that u can get attacked if ur pvp on even if your not loged on
11-03-20 01:39
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