Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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dalex: lol pls go read the topic from first
11-03-20 20:32
venum: Omg lmao. If u dont want a piece of the gear then why u want pvp to be on all the time. Im done with this i wont post again on this subject. If u want constant pvp on then may i suggest going to server 2 or 3. Heard server 3 realy hard core. No market trade or credits. U bored game 2 easy go there
11-03-20 20:56
most1ted: Just say that you only want to display your so called TOP gear, and don't want to test it if they make you stronger. Well I see, you only want to fight with monsters coz you can run anytime ;)
11-03-20 22:10
venum: Most1ted anytime u wanta duel you can pm widowmkr. I been wanting to pk your quest jumping butt anyhow. Dont talk crap in forum just pm me where an when
11-03-21 01:36
most1ted: I dont care with your dilema dude, and i dont cry when someone killed all the quest beside me without even giving me a chance to touch them and also i dont pm him your greedy because he dont leave even one unit. Well, thats not a kind of me lmao.
11-03-21 02:08
sepsis: Hmmm... You don't care about winning or losing in PvP, right Vaf? And you stated that Idiot Terror has beaten you in a PvP duel... I wonder why...? You either missed the entire point I was making, or chose to ignore it...

There are only, at MOST, 25 people who could attack you, assuming we had the 10 level rule. People in the middle ranks would literally have HUNDREDS of people who could attack them. Hundreds. So, how would that make the game more challenging for YOU??? You just want to make the game harder for the "up & coming" newer players.

LMAO!!! -rofl-

1. nitecrew (Level 84 / @Smr)
2. vafunculo (Level 83 / @loc)
3. minion (Level 83 / @NUG_Never Undrestimate Greatness)
4. idiot_terror (Level 81)
5. syrex (Level 80 / @*overlord*)
6. lightning (Level 79 / @the lost boys)
7. xarcjex (Level 78 / @SOD_SoLdiER's oF DiStrUctioN)
8. deathnote13 (Level 77 / @SOD_SoLdiER's oF DiStrUctioN)
9. asylem (Level 77 / @Family Affair)
10. bork (Level 77 / @VANQUiSH)
11. diablo14 (Level 77 / @loc)
12. soulhunter07 (Level 75 / @SOD_SoLdiER's oF DiStrUctioN)
13. warlock (Level 75 / @the lost boys)
14. dreamer (Level 75)
15. darkdymon (Level 75 / @*overlord*)
16. muttleyaxe (Level 75)
17. r3drum (Level 75)
18. m0rk (Level 75 / @VANQUiSH)
19. cloudztrifer (Level 75 / @Anime)
20. exodus (Level 74 / @VANQUiSH)
11-03-21 04:12
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