Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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sepsis: Vaf, your reading comprehension is obviously sorely lacking. I said: People in the middle ranks would literally have HUNDREDS of people who "could" attack them. I'll interpret that statement for you... It means that the pool of players that "can" potentially attack a mid-level player is VASTLY larger than the pool of players that can attack the high level players. Are you able to grasp the concept of POTENTIAL? And, there are, at most, only 25 players at the present time who can attack any player who is over level 80. Comprende? LMAO -rofl-
11-03-22 05:15
epidemic: Lmao thats what i thought water
11-03-22 04:25
waters: No way whiner -rofl-
11-03-22 02:21
widowmkr: Tell you what waters u run your trap with ur pvp off. I challenge u to a duel. Battle arena anytime u want when u not geting ur diaper changed
11-03-22 00:55
waters: now i am afraid-rofl-, why did you not bring this topic months ago? you are really gettin bored i can feel it-rofl-
11-03-21 18:34
vafunculo: Waters, how do you know what new players would do? You surely don't think everyone is a little girl like yourself and is afraid of pvp?
11-03-21 11:54
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