Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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vafunculo: Sepsis, you are an idiot, there is never more than 50ish people online, so hundreds of people cannot attack you, and out of the 50 online maybe 5 would be able to attack lower level players because most of the 50 who play regularly are well above your level lmao
11-03-21 11:42
waters: What i wana see is how m0st1teds' idiot terror beat widwmker the loudmouthd inbox whiner in pvp. You are the one who talks too much and cries more.. Btw. We should leave the pvp system alone. New players would leave this game if that will happen..What i can sugest is another level for quest.. Level80 quest for example. Or QUESTLEVEL2(Additional and is diferent from the current quest system)... We know we have different quest monsters for every level. Same for QUESTLEVEL2 but....
The map where QUESTLEVEL2 quests are located should automatically switch players' pvp on. and it will be ofcourse players' option to hunt there.. That way. Big level players wont be less challenged, and ofcourse they should never let anyone think that they are coward cause they only wana take normal and less challenging quests and map. -rofl-
11-03-21 09:09
waters: What i wana see is how m0st1teds' idiot terror beat widwmker the loudmouthd inbox whiner in pvp. You are the one who talks too much and cries more.. Btw. We should leave the pvp system alone. New players would leave this game if that will happen..What i can sugest is another level for quest.. Level80 quest for example. Or QUESTLEVEL2(Additional and is diferent from the current quest system)... We know we have different quest monsters for every level. Same for QUESTLEVEL2 but....
The map where QUESTLEVEL2 quests are located should automatically switch players' pvp on. and it will be ofcourse players' option to hunt there.. That way. Big level players wont be less challenged, and ofcourse they should never let anyone think that they are coward cause they only wana take normal and less challenging quests and map. -rofl-
11-03-21 09:08
venum: And realy leastted. U got 1 trophy for being such a mighty quest killer. Lmao i got 2 at lvl 46. Salt has 3 1st place an epidemic has 3 trophy. Mayby u should hunt more less talking in foruns
11-03-21 07:25
venum: Just turn ur pvp on an be quiet please. This forum isnt for personal grudges. It about ideas an pvp. U got a problem turn ur pvp on an pm md where an when.
11-03-21 07:19
most1ted: Rotflmao, youre the one said youll gonna take any quest u can from me, even tho i didnt took any quest from u. And guess what? you havent got any from me since your threat.. not even lmao
11-03-21 05:50
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