All hail original doom (1993)
17-02-13 08:54

Random player: Breeding? LOL.
also some dumbass should add a age limit
17-02-01 08:33

4¦ EMOJIS, I dont know if i spelled it right but i dont care, we need more emojis,
3¦ Mabey have a better enemy AI, comon, we all know what i mean, right?
2¦ notice how dreamers never active or so it seems..
√→→→→#1←←←← yes its here, it is, after you read this, freind me. im doing this more, with twice as much seriousnes and sarcasm then ever!!!!!
caracalkid belongs to himself
17-01-29 10:56

30¦ Better fight secenes, why not? final fantasy 1s would be exemptible.
29¦ World animations, com'on dreamer, add sprite animations, even 2-3 slides would help.
28¦ security, ok where have you been? BLACK DRAGONS 0 PRESENT UNSAFE, We are getting hack attacks every so often.
27¦ Sounds??? add a 8-bit style, no?
26¦ make better online multiplayer games in normal mode, make the game have a 5 fps rate, like COMON
25¦ Name censor, this is so simple this stops here.
24¦ More adimins, liston, i know you dont have much time, dreamer, but we need some one to step in during heat mail.
23¦ before you get your undys in a wad, i never MADE you read this, so if i offend your 'boot leg of the bible, SHUT UP AND DONT BLAME ME.
22-5¦ any ways i hate it when irritating fake christans get all religious on me. also i think trump haters are a religon, guess what Clintons, you lost. now you, and your supporters go back to your dark and cold hole where you came from. over all, dont try to make people turn to your religon, i dont care if you praise a flying plate of meatballs or your mothers magic underwears salesmen. respect every ones religon, its especially wrong to tell this to children, any body who does should be locked up and die a slow and terrible death just like me.
17-01-29 10:46
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