drops: This might be lengthy but please take some time to read. Just a suggestion in Arena: This feature initially was made only for FUN. But where's the fun if those who can always play this game everyday can get the rewards? Initially, after the reset of arena, those who started right at that time are probably those who will come at the leaderboard at the end. No chances for those who started late to be at top, unless you pay credits or you continuously played the arena. My point here is that we also have our real life. Majority cannot play arena say every reset of your free battle, so I think adjustments here are of importance. Another thing is that if you have lots of account (from previous pvp servers or those you created here in gaia), you'll have higher chances of getting at the leaderboard. That means most rewards are given for only few players. The solution I have been thinking is to make the character's stats be the arena stats. This way, the players will be motivated to become stronger to get the rewards. There will still be these arena items but they will just act as a percent addition to your stats. Say a Plate gives +10% armor, a mage staff give +10% damage and +10% wisdom and so on. For the spells in arena, the spells will be affected by player's wisdom. Another option I've been thinking is to limit the arena battles that can be played per day. Make it 5 resets (20 battles per reset so 100 battles in total) so that the stats of each player wont be that much of difference, giving a better competition to those who want to get the reward. This is how I'm seeing the condition of the arena. I only wanted a fair game. Thank you for the game sir dreamer

17-02-24 14:58
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