ern: im not sure, but i think u can use alertpay instead of paypal, cuz with ap u dont need debit cards.
11-04-29 07:38
pioson: Make an app for android market and I phone market
11-04-05 22:37
ovrmykne: Ok hello all. I guess I should have read other posts bf making my own topic. Never had to pay 2 play that other game but did buy new phones trying to find that elusive fast tmob phone. Anyways check out my topic and thanks
11-03-26 05:12
lightning: Yes that is a good way for the ppl that dont have credit cards to contribute . I know i would like to help but have no way to do so
11-03-26 04:37
r3drum: Very good idea nipz and good expansion of her idea vaf bro
11-03-25 02:03
widowmkr: Yup i like ur idea nips. Id pay 3,4 or even 5 dollars a month to play this game if it came outa my boost phone balance. Heck i paid 2.99 a month for shade an this game alot better
11-03-24 20:35