jony: This topic is also about getting people to buy credits
11-03-24 14:33
vafunculo: To which I have already made a suggestion on how to raise credit sales.
11-03-24 14:52
nipz: This idea has just now popped into my head, so forgive me if i don't explain it well. Its a sort of 'rough draft'. But, what if Dreamer gave the option at log in to pay a certain amount of money to access the game? It would not be required, but if you did choose to pay, you would get a bonus, such as a small amount of credits, a stamina potion, or a random item. That would help bring money into the game. For people using pre-pay phones, such as me, the amount for the game could be taken off the phone balance, as widowmkr suggested. People had no problem paying 2.99 a month for shade, and that game was crap compared to this. I know Dreamer would like to keep the game free for all users, giving players the option to pay (with added bonus of an item) will sort of keep with him wanting to have the game be free.
11-03-24 17:58
muttleyaxe: That, too, is an excellent idea.
11-03-24 18:10
vafunculo: That's a good idea nipz, or maybe make the pay to play people as supporters, take that 3.00 fee, make it monthly and that's how you become a supporter, can even offer different degrees of supporter. For instance, smallest fee is what supporters have now, then make another larger fee supporter option that includes maybe 100 credits per month, maybe let's say 8.00 a month because it has to be cheaper than combining fee of supporter and 100 credits to make it attractive to buy. Again, very good idea nipz
11-03-24 18:12
jony: That's a great idea
11-03-24 18:17
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