FAQ & Information » Dragon Scrolls, Special Mobs and Super Mobs II Titles Stats
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dead_dragons: Spectral Dragon's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Health: +13332
Mana: +13332
Stamina: +66
Strength: +666
Dexterity: +666
Endurance: +666
Wisdom: +666
Life leech: 6%
Level: 100
19-11-19 08:08
nezuko: Inventory
Witch's Magic scroll
Witch's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Health: +666
Mana: +666
Stamina: +66
Strength: +666
Dexterity: +66
Endurance: +66
Wisdom: +666
Life leech: 6%
Level: 100 (92)
19-11-19 18:55
your_market: Ghour's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +200
Dexterity: +300
Wisdom: +600
19-12-24 07:29
bowroyal: Inventory
Baphomet's Magic scroll
Baphomet's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Stamina: +500
Strength: +500
Dexterity: +750
Wisdom: +1250
Life leech: 10%
Level: 100
19-12-24 08:08
death_tempo: Cipactli' Magic scroll
Damage: +222-555
Strength: +222
Dexterity: +222
Endurance: +222
Wisdom: +222
20-01-27 10:08
barbosaur: Imperial Dragon's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +1000
Dexterity: +1000
Level: 100
20-02-27 18:49
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