The Evil Grinch's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Armor: +450
Strength: +150
Dexterity: +150
Endurance: +450
Wisdom: +150
20-10-26 02:26

Platinum Dragon's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Armor: +1000
Strength: +1250
Dexterity: +750
Level: 100
20-10-22 07:12

Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +250
Dexterity: +250
Wisdom: +1250
Level: 100
20-10-20 10:07

Demigod's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +500
Dexterity: +500
Wisdom: +2000
20-10-19 16:33

Abyssal Dragon's Magic scroll
Abyssal Dragon's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +1000
Wisdom: +2000
20-09-17 13:08

Hellfire Wyrm's Magic scroll
Hellfire Wyrm's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +500
Wisdom: +1000
Level: 100
20-09-17 03:04