FAQ & Information » Dragon Scrolls, Special Mobs and Super Mobs II Titles Stats
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blackmamba_: Great Behemoth's Magic scroll
Great Behemoth's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +400-800
Dexterity: +100
Endurance: +400
Wisdom: +100
Prot. from Earth: 75%
Level: 100
18-09-28 23:55
death_tempo: ACTUAL King of garuda's scroll stats

Crafted with gear items.
Strength: +200
Dexterity: +200
Endurance: +200
Wisdom: +400
Prot. from Air: 75%
Level: 100
18-10-03 14:28
_evg_: Update Great Behemoth's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +400-800
Dexterity: +250
Endurance: +400
Wisdom: +200
Prot. from Earth: 75%
Level: 100
18-10-09 06:49
blackmamba_: *Updated New stats Forest God's Magic scroll
Forest God's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +250-350
Strength: +150
Dexterity: +150
Endurance: +400
Wisdom: +300
Prot. from Earth: 75%
Level: 100
18-10-10 01:56
blackmamba_: *Updated New Stats

Deadly Lich's Magic scroll
Deadly Lich's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Armor: +300
Strength: +250
Dexterity: +150
Wisdom: +250
Level: 100
18-10-10 19:35
kill___: New update Undead hydra's (III) ...
Available for:
Body armor
Damage: +25-50
Armor: +400
Endurance: +100
Level: 100
18-10-10 19:54
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