silent_blue: Ok guys if you don't know I am the designer of the game. I made many of the things you enjoy the new characters and lots of the gear you guys wear.
So today I have a new task and you guys can join in and help me!
I need to make new level 130 gear and I will be taking suggestions if you guys don't mind possibly sending suggestions. Only rule is I have no control over the stats so please be detailed and leave the stats out
17-05-18 15:35
temper: How about a black suit for man and a white dress for ladies also i said this from the day i started..please add a status bar on char profile (male) (female) for the lvl 130 gears something elegand and that doesnt give the impresion of being big( im talking about skullcrushet

) as for color a turcoise or a metalic black but a open blue will work too.tnx and good luck with the far you did wonders
17-05-18 15:41
-trust-: ok it's my suggestion
dark lord cloth
colour, dark blue with aura around it
prot from fire70%
prot from water75%
life lech 10%
sage of wisdom armor
colour golden white
all elements prot to 80%
that's my suggestion for lvl130 armor lol more power
17-05-18 15:45
-anduen-: Blue just said skip the stats
17-05-18 15:48
-trust-: forgot the stats just take the colour and name

dark more dex golden white more wisdom
17-05-18 15:52
temper: : electric colors on a amazon bow .vortex color on necros earth colors on druid and pally and barb dont know..flashy green (like the uncomoon items) on assasin weapoin..on tip to give the poison impresion
17-05-18 15:52