tenno: Blackdragon is complicated and the starting turorial doesn't teach you enough. First learn your starting town, who sells armour, who sells weapons, who teaches spells, who sells mana (the consumable "spell fuel" ) and healing potions (refills your hp based on the quality of the spells). Where you can craft, where you can keep your gold. These are all in your starting city, whether you're a druid, barbarian, paladin, or necromancer (50 credit premium class). Now, a crucial part of getting good, is learning the map, start slow, if its hard to remember takes notes on the monsters in certain areas and whether they are north or south of your start city. Learn the monsters, and where they generally are. That is extremely important for you to get around efficiently. When I was new I loves exploring the place, seeing whos where, and obviously I didn't catch on instantly. Okay, you're exploring and levelling and asking questions if you have them (those questions better not be for credits, maybe better gear and tips but not credits). Now you've been levelling but what do you do with skill points? Well dexterity one of the most crucial if not the most important stat to level up, it determines whether you can land a hit and dodge hits, strength, directly influences your damage dealt (I don't recommend levevlling strength, it will be improved by gear) +1 strength is +1 maximum and minimum damage. Wisdom, is what affects your mana total, whether or not you can cast spells, how many you can cast, and how strong they will be, when it comes to spells you need to learn them in your towns there is no cap on how many spells you can learn, but to use them you must put them into a spell set, you can find that option on the homescreen>Spells>Sets, and that will give you the ability to use combat spells while in combat. Spells are crucial, and ALL classes use them, you can be the most brutish barbarian but if you don't have whirlwind master, and high wisdom for it, you will be a potato. Mess around with classes, see what you like, I have 30 accounts, and I actively use 1, because I tested things out, saw what I liked and made a new one with better stat build and levelled that one up even further. I didn't reach level 80 until about my 20th character, and now I'm 121, weak by most seasoned players standards, but I'm proud of myself none the less. Keep at it, learn as much as you can, explore, learn the functions of the home screen, your most important ones are Market Place, Clan and Clan Jobs, Quests, Spells, Profile, Inventory, and Play!!!
17-08-02 21:00
tenno: Spells are cast by the player using the ancient and mystical mana

they can be used to teleport to home cities to store gear, and craft new gear, and sell junk for precious gold. But there are also combat spells which need to be in a spell set to be used. At your home screen go to Spells>Sets, and make combos you enjoy, or think will be effective. Usually they are formatted as such (For most classes): Weakness (or a spell that weakens the enemy like slow, or something) > Frenzy (Something that while increase your damage > Whirlwind (another spell to increase your damage again) . For druids and Paladins: Weakness (or any spell that lowers the enemies stats) Armageddon ( or any damage spell like meteor shower, fire ball, lightning bolt) and then another combat damage spell. Paladins are a little wierd, so you play around with it, they move between stat boosting spells and damage spells. Wanna know how to destroy a druids hopes and dreams in PVP? Elemental protection spells, in late levels mainly earth and fire protection, and they will be nothing to you. Good luck!
17-08-02 21:11
tenno: I totally forgot about endurance in the first part of the guide! Good you should too, its trash, ignore it don't put stats into it. It increases your health but your gear can do that more effectively without wasting skill points.
17-08-02 21:13
tenno: What is that pesky boot in the top right corner? Thats stamina, effectively your toons energy, and how many times the toon can perform a task. It restores over time but stamina potions also drop in the world from those stingy monsters. They drop every where from the Behemoths Crags to the Dragon Caves. They will restore your stamina by 100, unfortunately due to the inflation of BD's economy, they cost way to much in the Market place most of the time, but im sure you can find a nice player who has millions in his keeper. They are worth more to you than any of us. Please feel free to ask me for stam pots, im Tenno, message me for tips any time, but you ask for gear and we can meet at enroth castle and talk about gear (in castles or necropolis/kreegan arena, when you die, you lose an item to that player, beware, many high level turds hide there to steal from the weak)
17-08-02 21:19
tenno: So you got stats, spells, and stamina, so what now? Well you gotta kill stuff. Black dragon is an rpg, you kill stuff to get stuff, and you can use the stuff you get to kill more stuff to get more stuff for stuff killing, its great!

You need good gear and good stats to take on the strongest monsters, you can check which item is better, by looking at its stats and comparing them. Decide what you need and what you have enough of, you need go boost dex and wisdom with skill points (mostly dexterity though) but you still need them in gear, low level gear generally doesn't boost every stat like say Black Dragons RuneMasters Chain with rune diablo does (you'll learn about that soon) so you need to balance it (not too much if your endu is equal to your dex you have a big problem) But just because you dont level your endu and strength much, don't ignore them, you still need them.
So gear gives stats to players, what gives stats to gear? Gear has base stats, but you can add Gems, they range from level 1-5 and for each level they are they require you to be ten times that level to equip it. (Level 1 Gem: Level 10 player Level 5 Gem: Level 50 player) They boost certain stats in a range from +1 to +5 depending on their level. The stats they boost depend on the type of Gem. Sapphires: Dex, Ruby: Wisdom Emeralds: Endurance, Amethyst: Strength, Diamond: Damage, Topaz: Armor.
Then theres Titles: titles on gear are based on the creature that dropped it (unless you got it from a magic scroll, which we will discuss later) Creatures titles give stat boosts, and they're great unless the creature was a potato. Magic Scrolls are also dropped but are more rare, they can be crafted with gear to give it a random title, but beware, if you get a crazy good title you may not be able to equip the item, and if its a potato title.. rip. Magic scrolls sell for 3 credits right now.
Then there are runes. They are basically like gems but waaaaay better, they give much nicer stat boosts. But are much rarer and require above level 50 to equip. Good luck newbies!!!
17-08-02 21:39
tenno: Theres a lot of information to take in on this game, so first heres the basics. You wanna be strong, maybe even a diablo, unfortunately, you need credits to get strong, so you're either spending money on the game or, grinding for a very very long time everyday. So in the begining getting strong is easy, especially when you have friends, this is a social game, make friends, talk in chat, be friendly. Don't beg, its a small game, everybody will know to avoid you if you do. A lot of people here are from other countries, a lot of them are European, and South East Asian, we also have some Americans, and of course I'm not naming everybody, but we have tons of cultures represented here so don't be offensive, close minded, or racist. It's not just a grind game, its a social game. Don't backstab, scam, or lie, we're a pretty tight knkt grouo on this game, nobody will befriend you, they may even make it a point to run you off the game. Black dragon is a great, simple, yet growingly complicated game. Learn the map, learn the players, learn the mobs, learn the items, learn the runes/gems/titles, and everything else crucial. Obviously dont memorize every stat. Feel free to talk to me and any sociable players. Enjoy the game! Best of luck
17-08-02 22:07
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