Ideas » Stepping on a monster that's under attack
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deathnote133: :p :d :| :[
11-06-13 09:57
mamenss23: i wish dreamer will put a sign on d monster thats under attack in the math puttin an x mark..hehe..
11-04-07 20:23
godsgirl: If I look at a monster I can't or shouldn't fight, I usually just port or logout..
11-04-07 05:20
kingdomcome: Dreamer u oughta make a theif chr. Than these wannabz won't nd make excuses. :D lmfao
11-04-03 05:42
kingdomcome: Pathetic!!!! u got eyes and brains use them!!!Dont make excuses!!! u make me sick...smh
11-04-03 05:24
idiot_terror: You should done the 2nd click befor the page load. If you are using opera mini, ucweb or other 3rd party browser, double clicks can be done. But if you're only using you default wap browser, click then press the call key.
11-03-27 04:40
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