FAQ & Information » Assassin's Critical
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retromarthmus: Few asked so here you go

The Assassin's critical hit wasn't as effective as expected so it has received an upgrade, and here are a few details about it:

[*] Assassins ALWAYS get a random damage boost from 100% to 150-175% (depending on your level)

[*] Critical hit happens at the same rate as for Amazons

[*] Bows are essential for Amazons to perform critical hit so Assassins need dual wield weapons to maximize their gains (it's not essential but each dual wield weapon gives +25% damage boost)

[*] Critical hit is increased depending on enemy's health (the lower - the bigger the increase)

[*] Critical hit is capped at 300% but is never lower than 150-175% (depending on your level)

To put it shortly, a critical hit is a combination of luck (random) + dual wield weapons + enemy's HP.
17-09-13 01:52
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