®~OakHeart~® » How black dragon begins...! Just for fun
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guess_whoo: Damn!!! I died!!!! Lmao. Nice story. Very nice
15-06-25 19:37 Delete
beware: just done reading it, nice story bro

15-06-25 19:22 Delete
noob-yom: I didn't include my name so as not to cause commotion for players I didn't mention their names
15-06-25 19:09 Delete
noob-yom: Note that it contains names of players
15-06-25 19:06 Delete
noob-yom: Brother Milenko it just for fun.. Enjoy
15-06-25 19:04 Delete
noob-yom: This Story has Been passed on by generations and now The Queen of Blackdragon wants to let the whole world know the Blackdragon History And where it all started.Please note That this story Contains Names of all the Legends who has helped written this Breathtaking past.
Long Long time ago The Blackdragon world was devided into to worlds named Aurora and The Forbidden Lost Lands
Aurora was a world of its own, because Aurora was -TIMELESS- it Showed no -MERCY- for anyone who entered its greatness!.It was a -RESTRICTED- area.
The Story was told ,if you enter Aurora Doors then Immediately you will see -ILLUSIONZ- For many It was a -THRILLER- storry that would -SHATTER- many -WARRIOR'S- dreams. Not Many people know the secrets of planet Aurora, one person named -TYPHON- told me that an -ABADDON- -DIABLO- named -GREAT MILENKO- became a immortal of this Underworld.He had the -SINS Of A SAINT- and that he was not be stopped by anyone!. It was known that he had a -RELENTLESS- power!. He had the X-FORCE army on his side . Also REDDRAGONS and NIGHTDRAGONS and two Demon Lords named -SAINT DEVIL and NIGHTSHADOWS was protecting the mighty -DIABLO-.
He also was married to -BOUDICA- ,the wife who stood by his side till the end. She would also gave birth to a new born child named -JAMES T KIRK- the Upcoming King of Aurora
He would soon let all know That - APOCALYPSE- would come to all on -JUDGMENT- day and nobody will escapes its -HELLHOLE- and -HELLSFURRY-
The Forbidden Lost Lands Was Almost as Earth but it only had two Seasons ,Winter and Summer. The Winter would be verry -STORMY- with -LIGHTNING- every day and night for 3 months and -SNOW- which makes it verry -FROSTI- for another 3 months .And in the summer months -BLAZING BLUE- -SKY- and -MOONLIGHT- every few nights. There was a leader who rulled this Land he was to be found in the BRACADA castle just passed the -CHEROKEE ROSE- mountains his name was -LORDRAFAEL- also known as the -OMEGALORD!. His castle had this amazing -VIOLLETE- colors. He had a -HELL HOUND dog named -GOOFY- and a entertainer Named the -JOK3R- !. The -JOK3R- TASK was to keep the King happy all day by telling jokes or do breathtaking stunts with three -SLIPPERY- snakes ,one a -BRISTLEBACK the other a -BLACKMAMBA- and the other a -KOBRA-.
He also had two servants named -LULUT- and -SUGER BEE-
The Castle was protected by two SUPREME ARCHANGELS named -NIGHT ELF- and -QUEEN ARCHER they both were equiped with SOLDIER JUCSTICE and -GREEN ARROW- anyone who try's to pass the Borders without permission ,would be Found -GUILTY1- and would face -DEATH DAY- in 72 hours . One day -LORDRAFAEL- was informed by his messenger -KALEVALA- that the immortal of the underworld would bring Apocalypse to all in one month. The King of the forbidden lands then called his commander -JECHT- to get The ULTIMATE ENIMENCE army ready for war.
Then In just 3 days time the army was ready to go kill The GREAT MILENKO and his army. It was a 7 day Walk to reach Aurora!!. HELL HYDRA'S and TITAN'S and SWAMP MONSTERS were commonly found on this 7 day path so many soldiers would die brutally killed...although the King told them to be -BEWARE- . As they finally reached Aurora -JECHT told to attack as a
blood thirsty -PREDATOR- but half way threw the war ,you could here JECHT's army Screaming -HELP ME- but there was no hope , the -UNDEAD BLOOD- flow for days as MILENKO cried -KING VICTORY-!. Only 3 Survivors named -RUDIS-,-FR4NCI3l3- and -DOKURAIDER came back to -LORDRAFAEL- to tell him their great Loss. They also lost their commander to a nine feet BLOOD MINOTAUR!. The king blamed there -STANDART- swords and -FAKE- armor for their defeat. The King then called his messenger KALEVALA to go to NIGHON CITY to find this -PROTECTER- which all the people talked about!. KALEVALA said that he can't go alone because he Might be attack by HARPY's and SERPENT FLY's he need a few warriors to go with him !. So the king decided to send HASTAS,KRIZSCREEW,BIGCOLLA,-METALIUM- they were known as -THE HUNTERZ- . So these 5 warriors went to find the - PROTECTER- and only 3 made it to Nighon City ... BIGCOLLA ,METALIUM and HASTAS. They were warned not to -PARK- anywhere they want, there are strict rules in the city. So they searched for 10 days to find the -Protecter- but still didn't find him, nobody wants to tell them... where he lives... so just as they decided to went back a small shadow appeared in front of them in the road , thay could not see it was far away, so the creature said I'm -BIGBOSSYCAT- the one who know many!!. Then Finally he told them that The Protecter of this city was a samurai with the name -ASMODEUS- . The cat told them he would lead them to him!. So they traveled to -NATALIA201- close to TATALIA region
-ASMODEUS- was not alone he had a --GALNERYUS00- air dragon at his right side and a -FORGEDRAGON- at his Left !.Both dragons had Strong spells like FIREBALL and FROST RING. The Samurai was a -MAST3R- in all spells accept one he did not find and could not learned named "The BlackDragon Slayer". Suddenly the -BIGBOSSYCAT- experience -DEJA VU- and he tells the samurai where to find the last spell he desires to learn!. It was to be found in Aurora where only a few enemy's have escapes!. So they decided to go the next day!!. The Samurai also took his army the -WARLORDS with him although he could have taken the -DIABLO- on his own!. His army had the ARCH MAGI LEADER -DROW RANGER ,the WEREWOLF LEADER -EWBANK-,the SWORDSMAN -NUEST-,the LIZARDMAN -EUPHI3-, and the MARKSMAN -NOTENGODINERO-!!!. Together they are unstoppable. So the battle would happen in the 20th century !. So the Samurai and his other companions went to Aurora for the War of a lifetime

,He started telling people his amazing story and he showed them his new spell the Blackdragon Slayer spell!!. He also made a new Army named BLOOD BATH. His first new member was BONE GRIMS and so It grow everyday Till now It still grows!!!. It is The Mightiest Army in All Blackdragon Land as it stands today

17-10-06 12:37
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