Ideas » Trade modernization
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slayer-007: What about a gear transfer like I have 3 characters and sometimes find items for another char and would like to send it without MP or the multiple logins for p2p trade to my other char. All my char's are registered on 1 email and would like to be able to transfer gear from 1 to the other hassle free please.
11-04-29 21:00
strider: Good idea slayer i have this problem too it would be cool if we could transfer gear
11-04-30 21:08
ajgma: it's not like that i dont think Dreamer's problem is to find the idea ,it's to make it work something like long time and server resources i think
11-05-02 02:53
slayer-007: True yet would also save a lot of time if u can transfer some gear to your other char's and u can enjoy more time on this game
11-05-02 14:16
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