This guide is not yet complete, but here is some info for beginners:
Once you have created your account, make sure you complete the Tutorial Tasks located on the Home Page. These tasks will give you some Gold, Experience, and Skill Points to help you get started.
Begin killing units outside your 1st Town. Each battle gives experience and each time you level up, you receive a Skill Point that can be applied to your character's stats for Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, or Wisdom. Click on Home>More Links>How to Play for more details about each of these stats, and to help you get started playing.
In each city you reach, there will be NPCs. Two of the Blacksmiths sell gear and weapons. One is the Alchemist where you can buy health and mana potions. There will also be a Bank, but this is not recommended for use, as you will be charged a percentage for it keeping your gold. There is also a blacksmith for crafting items, which will come a little later on. The final NPC is the place for learning Spells and Portals. Be sure to learn the portal for fast access back to town, and any spells you meet the requirements for. Each city will have new portals and new spells as you grow.
Each class has their own 2 cities. The first city will be your Crafting city. The second city becomes available at level 20 and will be your Keeper city. Here you will find a keeper where you can save important items that you don't have room for in your inventory, that may be of use to you later, as you grow.
3 more cities become available at level 40 and are used by all classes, and 2 more cities become available at level 60.
Every player builds their characters differently. For all Classes, never apply Skill Points to Endurance. Skill Point placement is crucial to your growth.
Ask in chat, experienced players will recommend where to put the points for your class.
As you kill units, they will drop gear. Look at the items as they drop to see if you can equip them to improve your stats.
You will also find stamina potions and health and mana potions, and if you're lucky, you'll find some Magic Scrolls. Magic Scrolls should be saved for level 25 and up because crafting them onto an item of gear will give that gear a Random title to help increase your stat (see Library for Item title values).
You may also find Gems, such as Amethyst (Strength), Diamond (Damage), Emerald (Endurance), Ruby (Wisdom), Saphire (Dexterity), and Topaz (armor). Save these up. They can be crafted to increase their level. For example 3x Diamond (Level 1) = Diamond (Level 2), and 3x Diamond (Level 2 = Diamond (Level 3), etc.
NOTE: Gems are specific to your level and 2 Gems can be added to each piece of gear you want to equip. Level 1s can be worn by level 10-19, Level 2s can be worn by level 20-29, Level 3s can be worn by level 30-39. Level 4s are worn by level 40-49, and Level 5s are worn by level 50 players and up. At Level 50, Runes also become available for use (see Library for more info).
Gems can also be Mined at various Mines within the maps. Good luck!!
There are also some Ore Mines within the maps, but most players find that the Ore and gears that can be randomly crafted with those ores are not very useful, and most players don't mine ore, but rather just hunt gear.
As you grow, you will begin to find pieces of gear..... Some of the next great gear you will wear will drop in 3 pieces. You must collect all of these pieces in your Keeper (found in your 2nd city) until you have all 3 pieces for the item you want to craft and take it to your 1st city blacksmith to create the item.
Scrolling, after level 25, can also be done at the 1st city by putting an item of gear in the crafter along with a Magic Scroll to add random titles to the gear.
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