General » Quest questions
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zhypmk: This is for newbs if you got any question regarding quest kus i know when i first started i had trouble understanding quests ill explain little on the next post.
11-03-29 09:13
zhypmk: First of all quests from the quest menu tell you the location of the quest and you have to go find it and kill it i know that was one of the problems i had when i first started and didnt know anything anymore questions ask plz.
11-03-29 09:14
nitrogen: thanks 4 the info, but how could we locate the quest? Theres no link telling where location they can be found?
11-04-01 11:23
deathnote13: Ask it at higher lvl u know
11-04-01 13:41
lightning: Under each quest listed is an area named . That is where you find them
11-04-01 20:05
nitrogen: yeah an area, but how can we locate that area? I mean do we really have to roam around? Can somebody make an sketch of an area? Like paladin up,(peasant vil) left of peasant vil is and right is just sample =>
11-04-01 22:30
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