boudica: Dreamer does read the forums. The ideas aren't wasted. Most of the posted ideas are simply idiotic & designed to make this game baby simple. Or the proposed ideas insist that dreamer should reward the players for playing a FREE game.
Tell ya what... You need to develop a game, program it, pay for the host server, make regular updates, actually read feedback & forums... Then watch all your hard work get criticized by whining crybabies who demand that you pay them to play your game.
To all the people who make these sorts of demands on dreamer:
18-01-29 20:45
1lonleyhero: Hello develepers. You probably wont see this. Just like you dont see most fourms. You should. But you dont. Many people post fourms. Most havent been answered. Many, many brilliant ideas wasted. Please make an effort to read this and many other fourms.
18-01-28 00:55
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