General » you know you play too much when...
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vision: lmao.. you know when I dreamt this there were no dragons or desert areas and you could not die and resurect...
guess some dreams come true..
now we just need a pharo
11-02-13 21:00
remygate: Roflmao @ Drama
10-06-19 11:28
baby~ti: wow that would b so cool if it really happened but mayb u need a rest from here so u not dreamin bout it lol
10-06-17 06:44
silverfox: Lmao now thats funny
10-06-17 05:28
drama: I actually dreamt about this game last night. I dreamt several new areas were added and monsters including dragons. To get to the lad of dragons you had to cross a desert. In the desert there was an oasis area with merchants and a temple area with a pharo to defeat in order to pass to the land of dragons. The pharo fought with kick ass spells and it took me several times to beat him.. then I got to the land of dragons.. there were many types of dragons ranging in strength.. I picked the weakest.. it defeated me with ease and sent me back to city hall.. I woke up thinking damn I need to level up some more.
10-06-16 19:48
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