Ideas » Hidden Objects or Places
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muttleyaxe: What a cool idea. That sounds like a much more interesting aspect to the game.
11-03-29 23:50
teeta: I think that this idea has probably bee proposed before, but died due to lack of interest. Because I'm bored, waiting on stamina regen, I'll propose something similar...

Dreamer, why don't you hide a place or object randomly somewhere in the map, awaiting discovery by some unsuspecting player? Make it invisible unless a player is standing right on top of it. If it is a place, make it a place where that player can hunt quest units of the appropriate level, without competition from other players, for a preset period of time, like maybe 4 hours. If it is an object, make it unique, never to be duplicated.

I think that placing hidden places and hidden objects would encourage exploration and the randomness would level the odds between big experienced players and newer players.

Just a "waiting for stamina" thought... Cheers! :)
11-03-29 22:31
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