General » dear dreamer, this is our opinions on castles
beegees: Agreed with ur opinion this time -good-

Hardcore pvp must enable too...
18-05-30 18:56
mr-uchiha123: If it's going back to 1 castle per clan I think hardcore PvP should be enabled in castles
18-05-30 18:48
turkeon: Fast lvling only for stronger player
18-05-30 18:40
maybe12: Ya make 1
18-05-30 18:28
swtdrmz: I for 1 think it should be 1 castle per clan! 1 castle gives 50%, 2 castles gives 60% and 3 castles give 70% at G1. (Not sure of bonusus at PvP server) the extra leveling bonus of multi castles is unfair especially at pvp servers. Also, the fact that castles get rank 9 guards in them and some clan members with castles will use castles to get experience. dreamer please change castles back to 1 castle per clan and take away mobs giving experience in them. Thank You for listening-dragon-
18-05-30 18:25
bladsy: 3/3
1 2 3