Bendras » Cheese
Read from beginning
ezeroth: *jumps up and down happily then tackles mac* MAC YOUR BACK! Me miss you mac oh happy days happy happy days we back together again *picks up mac and hugs him tight* me so happy now!
10-07-12 02:37
yeayea: Hello cheese Macs back sorry i was gone awhile didnt mean to leave:-(
10-07-12 02:34
elizeria: Oh mac you need to come home and play with cheese hims all alone
10-07-12 02:32
ezeroth: *kicks a rock down the road* i miss my mac where he go i want mac back he weft me...
10-07-12 02:30
lestats: I LIKE NUTS
10-07-12 02:29
elizeria: Is it over no it cant be we must have our mac and cheese
10-07-12 02:27
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