Ideas » Mysterious Box
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vanz: Ups sorry, I mean drop from monster in everywhere in map. :)
11-04-05 02:36
smashu2: it should only drop 1 item and it should be a very strong monster guarding it and u should have to find a key to open it the name of the key would be the name of the area u r in when u got the box for example
gorgon lair box would be the title of the box and it would contain either a gorgon ring or a mighty gorgon ring and the key name would be called gorgon key or sumthing idk im rambling right now
11-04-05 01:53
muttleyaxe: That actually sounds intereting.. kinda like how now in each map there is gold and stam boots around the map.
11-04-04 20:47
vanz: I want suggest to create a mysterious box that contains 2-4 random item. Also create a NPC to unlock the box. And the box drop in everywhere in map so everyone can get it. I tkink its interesting. Something new to explore.
11-04-04 05:38
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