Ideas » Castles
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zhypmk: Maybe a couple credits could be rewarded?
11-04-06 11:44
vafunculo: its basically that way now anyway, only difference is actual player defender instead of just monster
11-04-06 04:19
muttleyaxe: Wow, that oughtta start an argument, vaf. lmao But, that's a pretty good idea. :)
11-04-06 02:20
vafunculo: maybe as a reward the clan that occupy the castle uses no stamina while in castle, like battle arena, and people trying to capture the castle from the current occupant still must expend stamina inside the castle
11-04-06 02:01
muttleyaxe: Yeah, I like the reward idea, as well. Hm, what could be the reward, ya think?
11-04-05 22:50
dreamer: That could be done, however, some reward for actually having the castle should be there as well, no?
11-04-05 21:43
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