Ideas » Castles
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muttleyaxe: Yeah, I agree with ya judgement. :)
11-04-05 20:16
judgement: I would like to see that happen.. Then players are actually defending a castle instead of just finiancing
11-04-05 18:52
2pac: Great idea! But i wish items wont dropped. -v-
11-04-05 18:37
maxum: It's been talked about amongst several players about adding some more "spice" to the game. The idea being, that if you choose to enter a held castle area, pVp turns automatically on while you are in that castle area and then turns off (if that is how you have yours set) automatically once you leave. It would make the castles more intersting to fight for and make a bit more fun for the game.
11-04-05 17:58
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