Off-topic » Calculating real price of lottery ticket :D
bernie: Don't forget the merchant, frenzy, energy you yeah 1-2c is probably reasonable
19-10-08 16:58
piaro: 1c is good price
19-10-08 16:36
neval: Well guys, my finger is burning -lol-

I used 500 lottery tickets and now my balance is 685, so i've got 165 credits from 500 tickets, only once i got 25c. Here we have about 0.3c per each ticket. But also i've got 27 skill points which cost 540 credits.

So, i think 0.5-1c is good enough price for one ticket -good-
19-10-08 16:33
neval: Now i have 500 lottery tickets, i will use them all and check how many credits i get. I will not pay attention to any other prizes (jewels, ms, premium, service, etc), only to credits.

Then we will be able to calculate the price for each ticket :D

Now i have 520 credits at my balance, let's start! -simba-
19-10-08 16:14
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