Im making this forum because of pvp, pvp tourny, ect.
First of all I know you have a life and you do alot for this game and I want to say Thank You!
But Ive played for sometime and Ive noticed that a prizes are taking very long and people are getting mad! But all I'm saying is can you please check In more often, or maybe another admin so you two can alternate. Like i said i know you have a life! But just so people are satisfied please cheack in more. Once again thank you for what you do!
P.S. I bought 30kc on xsolla and only got 10kc and 2k honnor, this is during the x3 Credits. If you cann pm me baack that would be excellent!
April, 9 2020
Thank you.
20-04-10 01:40
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