-kiroro-: Dreamer told me if MAJORITY of martis players agreed for merge , he would do the merge.
Idea why : martis has (now)
1. low population,
2. NO UPDATES (lands,items, Etc)
3. No pvp
4.To have more competition and fun.
Preparation for BDv2 has only 1 server if so.
Just type YES/NO and why if so.
20-05-14 15:13
lolimancer: Completely disagree with the merge, some of us have been there ever since and have built our chars based on Martis rules... a merge to gaia would nerf us... hard
Basically, a big fat NO from me
20-05-14 15:26
-kiroro-: YES
I just realize that we are killing sandworms forever, no pvp. No activity.
If we are updated like g1 maybe ill stay.
20-05-14 15:31
-rstrctd-: Im in! Merge. Yah no update here. And i cant see a reason for staying in this dead server.
20-05-14 15:38
-cool--dragon-: I will stay at martis if there is an update(land, unit, quest). But if there is no better merge to gaia only.
20-05-14 16:15