Ideas » another pvp idea
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stonerockbatwo: how bout do it everyday but in a certain time...something like ,every 12am to 2am pvp is on.
11-04-12 19:30
mallows: sad to say but dreamer didn't read this idea of mine. the idea of implementing pvp with no gear/gold lost for this server is his idea before i created my topic :)
11-04-12 03:20
bluesky: Another idea.. How about simply removing wipeouts from server 2, since there is already pvp there. That would leave server 1 the way it is now.
11-04-11 14:13
bluesky: Naplmdef has a good idea. And it would make pvp fair.
11-04-11 14:11
mamenss23: i guess we should merge server #2 to server #1...
11-04-11 13:37
ueki09: i really really like this topic-good-
11-04-11 13:32
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