Ideas » another pvp idea
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widowmkr: Vaf made it clear in chat why he wants pvp. He said people are lvling 2 fast. He at the top of the list in lvl. He wants to stay there
11-04-11 06:26
widowmkr: If dreamer wants to generate more money and playrs he should make it easier to purchase credits. Forcing pvp on us isnt the answer
11-04-11 06:28
widowmkr: He could also make server 2 like server 1 no wipe outs but pvp on
11-04-11 06:31
mallows: server 2 and server 3 is different from server 1. each server has its own difficulty so whats the point of changing of the pvp system in server 2 if its difficulty is hard?
11-04-11 09:44
naplmdef: how about a 3rd option for pvp. no matter a players level, in pvp battle, your both a level 1,and slug it out till one dies. and then your battle level, levels up with xp. then you can have a 4 level rule. this way, no matter your level in game, your battle level is what speaks as your cyber toughness.
11-04-11 11:06
mamenss23: mybe its good lyk this
u can jst pvp dos oders chracter lyk barb v pal,barb v druid,etc.smtin lyk that.
11-04-11 13:10
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